In compliance with the duty of information contained in article 10 of Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE), the company’s identification data is set out below:


Registered office: Calle Altozano 10, 10450 Jarandilla de la Vera, Cáceres, Spain.



The design of the website and its source codes, as well as the logos, trademarks and other distinctive signs that appear on it belong to ALOHA VERA: ESPACIO DE EXPERIENCIAS IDIOMATICAS, S.L. and are protected by the corresponding intellectual and industrial property rights.


Access and/or use of this portal confers the status of User, who accepts the general terms and conditions of use to be able to use all the services and information provided from the portal. These conditions are set out below:


These Terms of Use of the Website (hereinafter also referred to as the Portal) govern the terms of access and use of the Website Portal. ALOHA VERA: ESPACIO DE EXPERIENCIAS IDIOMATICAS, S.L. The mere access or use of the portal, all or part of its contents and services means the full and express acceptance of these conditions of use. The provision and use of the portal is understood to be subject to strict compliance with the terms set out in these conditions of use of the portal and the services made available to users on and/or through the portal, either by the portal, or by its users or by any third party. However, access to and use of certain content and/or services may be subject to certain specific conditions.

The company reserves the right to modify the general conditions of use of the portal at any time. In any case, it is recommended that you periodically consult these general terms and conditions of use of the portal, as they may be modified.


The user must respect at all times the terms and conditions established in this legal notice. The user expressly declares that he/she will use the portal diligently and assume any responsibility that may arise from non-compliance with the rules.

The user undertakes, in those cases where data or information is requested, not to falsify their identity by impersonating any other person. The user accepts that the use of the portal will be carried out for strictly personal, private and particular purposes. The user may not use the portal for activities contrary to the law, morality and public order, as well as for prohibited purposes or for purposes that violate or harm the rights of third parties. Likewise, the dissemination, storage and/or management of data or content that infringes the rights of third parties or any regulations governing intellectual or industrial property rights is prohibited.

Likewise, the user may not use the portal to transmit, store, disclose, promote or distribute data or content that is carrier of viruses or any other computer code, files or programs designed to interrupt, destroy or impair the operation of any computer or telecommunications program or equipment.

The user undertakes to indemnify and hold harmless the portal for any damage, loss, penalty, fine, penalty or indemnity that the portal has to face due to its improper use by the user.

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