Where are we?

How to get there?

– Madrid capital of Spain:
Adolfo Suárez Airport

Seville (Andalusia): Seville San Pablo Airport

BlablaCar trip from Madrid to Jarandilla around 12-15 €

From Madrid
A5 (217.5 km)
We arrive at Navalmoral de la Mata and take the EX-119 road towards Talayuela. We continue to Jarandilla de la Vera.

– If you come from the northwest of Spain:
The reference would be the A66: Burgos > Valladolid > Salamanca (or León > Zamora > Salamanca), going down the A66 to Plasencia, where we will take the EX-203 towards Tejeda de Tiétar, Jaraíz de la Vera, Cuacos de Yuste, Aldeanueva de la Vera and finally we arrive at Jarandilla de la Vera.

– If you come from the south of Spain, from Seville:
Follow the A-66 to Plasencia and then take the EX 203 towards Jarandilla de la Vera.
Or you can take the A5 in Mérida in the direction of Madrid and then take the EX-119 in Navalmoral de la Mata in the direction of Talayuela and then continue to Jarandilla de la Vera.

-Within the region of La Vera
The EX-203 serves as the main road and connects most of the towns throughout the region.

– If you are coming from Lisbon:
The reference would be the A2 and A6 to Badajoz when we take the A5. We continue along the A5 to Navalmoral de la Mata that we will take the EX-119 towards Jarandilla de la Vera

– Monday to Friday : departure Príncipe Pio 8:30 –> arrival in Jarandilla de la Vera 12:25

– Saturdays and Sundays: departure Príncipe Pio 11:00 — arrival in Jarandilla de la Vera 14:55 // departure Príncipe Pio 15:15 —>> arrival in Jarandilla de la Vera 18:40

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Departure Madrid Station – Puerta de Atocha → Navalmoral de la Mata

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