Privacy Policy

In compliance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council and Organic Law 15/1999, of 13 December, on the Protection of Personal Data (LOPD), the user is informed that all the data provided to us will be incorporated into a file, created and maintained under the responsibility of ALOHA VERA: ESPACIO DE EXPERIENCIAS IDIOMATICAS, S.L., which declares that it is duly safeguarded and processed, and that the data it contains has been obtained legally and in compliance with the provisions established in the regulations on the protection of personal data.

The data processor and other authorised users solely and exclusively access and process the data contained in the file in accordance with the instructions of the controller and only use them to carry out, on behalf of the data controller, the specifically authorised services.


You are informed that you can exercise your rights of Access, Opposition, Rectification, Cancellation, Deletion and Portability of data by post to the following address:

ALOHA VERA: ESPACIO DE EXPERIENCIAS IDIOMATICAS, S.L. Calle Altozano 10, 10450 Jarandilla de la Vera, Cáceres, Spain.
Or by sending an email to:


The company informs of its cookies policy, thus complying with the provisions of article 22.2 of Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce.

A cookie is a file that is downloaded to your computer when you access certain websites. Cookies allow a website, among other things, to store and retrieve information about the browsing habits of a user or their computer and, depending on the information they contain and the way in which they use their equipment, they can be used to recognize the user. The user’s browser stores cookies on the hard drive only during the current session, occupying a minimum of memory space and not harming the computer. Cookies do not contain any specific personal information, and most cookies are deleted from your hard drive at the end of your browser session.

Most browsers accept cookies as standard and, regardless of the standard, allow or prevent temporary or stored cookies in the security settings.

Without your consent by activating cookies in your browser, the stored data will not be linked in the cookies to your personal data provided at the time of registration or purchase.

The User expressly accepts, by using this portal, the processing of the information collected in the manner and for the purposes mentioned above. And you also acknowledge that you are aware of the possibility of rejecting the processing of such data or information by rejecting the use of Cookies by selecting the appropriate settings for this purpose in your browser. However, this option to block Cookies in your browser may not allow you to make full use of all the functionalities of the website. You can allow, block or delete cookies installed on your computer by configuring the options of the browser installed on your computer.


ALOHA VERA: ESPACIO DE EXPERIENCIAS IDIOMATICAS, S.L. is not responsible for the legality of other third-party websites from which the website can be accessed. The owner of the page is also not responsible for the legality of other third-party websites that may be linked or linked from this portal.

The owner of this portal reserves the right to make changes to the website without prior notice, in order to keep its information up to date, adding, modifying, correcting or deleting the published content or the design of the portal.

ALOHA VERA: ESPACIO DE EXPERIENCIAS IDIOMATICAS, S.L. is not responsible for the use that third parties make of the information published on the portal, nor for the damages suffered or economic losses that, directly or indirectly, produce or may produce economic, material or data damages, caused by the use of said information.
The owner is not responsible for any possible security errors that may occur due to the use of outdated versions of browsers, or for the consequences that may arise from the malfunctioning of the browser, whether due to inadequate configuration, the presence of computer viruses or any other cause unrelated to it.


ALOHA VERA: ESPACIO DE EXPERIENCIAS IDIOMATICAS, S.L. is not responsible for the legality of other third-party websites from which the website can be accessed. The owner of the page is also not responsible for the legality of other third-party websites that may be linked or linked from this portal.

The owner of this portal reserves the right to make changes to the website without prior notice, in order to keep its information up to date, adding, modifying, correcting or deleting the published content or the design of the portal.

ALOHA VERA: ESPACIO DE EXPERIENCIAS IDIOMATICAS, S.L. is not responsible for the use that third parties make of the information published on the portal, nor for the damages suffered or economic losses that, directly or indirectly, produce or may produce economic, material or data damages, caused by the use of said information.
The owner is not responsible for any possible security errors that may occur due to the use of outdated versions of browsers, or for the consequences that may arise from the malfunctioning of the browser, whether due to inadequate configuration, the presence of computer viruses or any other cause unrelated to it.


ALOHA VERA: ESPACIO DE EXPERIENCIAS IDIOMATICAS, S.L. reserves the right to suspend access to its website, without prior notice, temporarily, for technical reasons or of any other nature, and may also unilaterally modify both the conditions of access and all or part of the contents included therein.


The website may offer links, directly or indirectly, to other websites, for information purposes only, and in no case constitutes an invitation to contract products or services offered on the destination website.


Browsing the pages of the website can be done completely anonymously. Web servers will only store a number of public and freely accessible data for statistical purposes. This data includes: the domain name or IP address of the internet service provider, the date and time of access to the website and the internet address from which the hyperlink to the page originated.


The applicable law in the event of a dispute or conflict of interpretation of the terms that make up this legal notice, as well as any issue related to the services of this portal, will be Spanish law, and any controversy will be submitted to the Courts and tribunals of the city of Madrid.

Informed consent for data collection

Please read this protocol carefully. If the signer is a minor, this document must be completed and SIGNED by the parent/legal guardian.

Data Controller:

ALOHA VERA: ESPACIO DE EXPERIENCIAS IDIOMATICAS, S.L., CIF B-10640753, is responsible for the processing of the personal data collected, with address at Calle Altozano 9, 10450 Jarandilla de la Vera, Cáceres E-mail: INFORMS that:


  • The purpose of the data provided is to manage activities related to training, work placements, business trips, tourism and leisure activities and for the issuance of degrees and diplomas.
  • Your data may also be used for the preparation of budgets and to disseminate and publicize the company’s activities and offer new training, tourism and leisure activities.
  • The personal data communicated, either directly or indirectly, will form part of our ALOHA VERA Client file, and will be used and processed exclusively for the purposes indicated, for which processing we require your express consent. The data provided by you will only be strictly necessary for the purpose indicated, and it is essential that you provide us with this information consciously and voluntarily in order to provide you with the requested services.
  • The processing of your personal data extends only to the data provided or generated in the concerted activity.
  • Special categories of personal data will not be processed.
  • No profiling will be done with the data, nor will automated decisions be made with the data.
  • Your data, with the appropriate pseudonymisation, aggregation and restricted access measures, will be safeguarded and treated with the appropriate confidentiality measures and with absolute respect for the current provisions on data protection.

Origin and Legitimation:

  • The data are provided voluntarily by you or obtained in the execution of the contract for the provision of services and the processing of the same, is based on the free and informed consent granted in this document.


  • The recipients of the data will only be ALOHA VERA: ESPACIO DE EXPERIENCIAS IDIOMATICAS, S.L. and the owners and employees of the firm directly involved in the management of the contracted services, or with the administrative, legal, accounting and tax services of the professionals participating in their execution.
  • The data may be accessed by other entities or professionals collaborating with the firm who may be hired to provide the services necessary for the execution of their contract, for the same purposes and with the appropriate guarantees of confidentiality, respecting at all times the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council and Organic Law 15/1999, of 13 December.
  • The information concerning you will be strictly confidential and, apart from the recipients indicated, will only be transmitted to you or to whom, in the event of exercising your right of portability, you indicate to us, as well as, where appropriate, to our legal, accounting and tax advisors.
  • The data may be provided to the person in charge of processing the Aloha Vera Clients file and, where appropriate, to our external IT body, for the sole purpose of ensuring, with the due confidentiality requirements, its processing in a lawful and transparent manner, that is, for its registration, organization, conservation, adaptation or modification, extraction, consultation, use, transmission, dissemination or any other form of enabling access, comparison or interconnection, limitation, erasure or destruction of data, in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679, preserving the secrecy of personal data at all times.
  • The information that affects you will be kept for the minimum time relevant to the purpose for which it is collected, so the storage period will meet the following criteria:
  • They will be kept for the time necessary to comply with the purpose for which they were collected and to determine the possible liabilities that may arise from said purpose and the processing of the data. The provisions of the regulations on archives and documentation shall apply.
  • Teachers’ data will be kept for future training actions, unless they request their deletion.
  • Identification and financial data will be cancelled in accordance with the deadlines provided by the tax legislation regarding the statute of limitations.
  • However, the data may be kept for a longer period in the event that some type of liability or legal obligation may be required arising from the execution of a contract or the application of pre-contractual measures requested by the interested party.
  • There will be no international transfers of your data outside the European Union.


In accordance with the provisions of Article 7 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679, you, as a data subject, have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. However, you are informed that the withdrawal of consent will not affect the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent prior to its withdrawal.

Likewise, based on the provisions of Article 15 et seq. of the aforementioned Regulation, the rights of access, rectification, limitation and opposition, as well as the rights of deletion and portability thereof, are recognized.

All of these rights may be exercised at any time and free of charge by sending a written request to the postal address or postal address indicated at the beginning, providing us with your name, surname, photocopy of your ID card, right you wish to request and content of your request, as well as an address for the purpose of notification.

You will also have the right to complain to the supervisory authority (Spanish Data Protection Agency –, in the event that your request is not met.

At our email address, you can request all additional information regarding the processing of your personal data in our firm. You can also ask us for a form to exercise your rights.

Origin of the data:

The personal data that we process at ALOHA VERA: ESPACIO DE EXPERIENCIAS IDIOMATICAS, S.L. are the identifying, personal, economic-financial, academic and professional data that affect you and come directly from you or have been obtained with your consent by the professionals of our firm for the provision and offer of our services.

In accordance with the above, after having been warned of the care to be taken in your data, and informed of the use of the same, in accordance with the provisions of Article 6.1 a) of Regulation (EU) 2016/679, and taking into account the data collected in the various sections of the data collection form that you voluntarily complete,
DECLARES to have read and understood the content of this document and therefore expressly assumes and accepts the information described in its different sections. On this basis, you GIVE YOUR EXPRESS CONSENT to,

  • Obtaining the identification, personal, economic-financial, academic and professional data collected in the form.
  • The formulation of budgets and training, tourism and leisure offers.
  • The management of activities related to training, work placements, business trips, tourism and leisure activities and for the issuance of degrees and diplomas.
  • Receive communications about products and services from ALOHA VERA: ESPACIO DE EXPERIENCIAS IDIOMATICAS, S.L. related to those requested and to inform you about the activities of our firm and to be able to propose new services.
  • The processing of the personal data provided and those obtained, where appropriate, in the execution of the relations with our company
  • That all their data is included in the ALOHA VERA Clients file in such a way that it allows their custody and use for the exclusive purposes for which they have been collected.

And all this in accordance with the specifications set out in this Informed Consent.

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